すれちがい / Passing each other
When I was a boy, I often went to the river to fish with my friends. Carp-fishing was my favorite. I cast line with fist size boilie into the water where there might be a school of carp.Then I sat back and waited. A small bell attached to the top of the rod would tell me if there was a tug. The best part of Carp-fishing was this waiting. Time flowed slow and easy. I enjoyed watching glittering water surface, listening to chirping birds and small chats with my friends. Later, after I grew up, I lived by the Seine river in Paris for a while. The river was dazzlingly gorgeous and it looked like a theater from the another world to a young man from Asia. I held 4x5 camera and a tripod instead of the fishing rod of my boyhood and fervently watched the people going by and passing each other on the stage.